TOP 10: Police pay packets

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1. Sir Paul Stephenson £280,489 Commissioner, Metropolitan Police Service

2. T Goodwin £246,969  Deputy Commissioner, Metropolitan Police Service

3. Sir Norman Bettison £217,956 Chief Constable, West Yorkshire Constabulary

4. J Yates £211,624  Commissioner, Metropolitan Police Service

5. Sean Price £208,690 Chief Constable, Cleveland Police

6. C Allison £204,882 Commissioner, Metropolitan Police Service

7. Mr Craik £204,701 Chief Constable, Northumbria Police

8. Sir Hugh Orde £202,500 Chief Constable, Police Service of Northern Ireland

9. R Fitzpatrick £196,396 Commissioner, Metropolitan Police Service

10. A Beaton £189,896 Director of Information, Metropolitan Police Service

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