Get the data
Here are the basic details of the 3,150 dinners, drinks receptions and events the UK’s top mandarins have attended over the last three years, collected from departmental websites and through Freedom of Information legislation.
This allows anyone, for the first time, to search and see exactly which companies have entertained top civil servants – and how often – in an easily searchable format.
The data is accessible as a google document below and you can save a full copy here.
Despite an edict from Cabinet Secretary Gus O’Donnell ordering departments to routinely publish hospitality information, this data is not complete: departments including the Foreign Office, Ministry of Defence and Treasury are still yet to release data reaching as far back as 2008, citing future publication.
As and when this data becomes available, The Bureau will update the above database and the rankings based on it, and post update stories on this site.
You are free to modify this data, make deriviative works and visualisations (please let us know below if you do), but please credit the Bureau and link to this site.