Press coverage of WHO investigation
The Bureau and BMJ’s recent investigation into potential conflicts of interest at the WHO has been mentioned over 1000 times by the world’s media since the story broke last month.
Here is a selection of the press coverage:
UK News
BBC Radio 5 Live (Interview with Paul Flynn, MP)
Wales Online
International Newswires
Associated Press
Press Association
European News Coverage
Libération (Sciences), France
France 24 TV
Actualités Droit-médical, France
L’Humanité, France
Le Monde, France
Le Progrès, France
Le Temps, Switzerland
CNR Media (Italian radio)
Il Tempo Adnkronos, Italy
La Stampa, Italy
Panorama, Italy
Corriere della Sera, Italia
Il Sole 24 Ore, Italy
ABC, Spain
La Vanguardia, Spain
El País, Spain
El Economista, Spain
Politiken, Denmark
TV Channel 24, Ukraine
World Radio (Switzerland)
Interviews with Fiona Godlee (Editor in Cheief, BMJ)
Swiss TV
Interviews with Deb Cohen (Features and debates editor, BMJ)
BBC Radio Belfast
Swiss National Radio
South Africa National Radio
Irish National Radio
BBC World Service
RTE (Swiss) TV
Australian Radio – ABC
US Radio
China Buisness News
Hungarian TV
Inter TV channel, Ukraine
Channel One Russian Television
International News Coverage, Websites, Blogs
Al Jazeera (documentary to 200 million viewers around the world)
SAMAA TV (Pakistan)
CTV, Canada
CBC, Canada
Montreal Gazette
Globe & Mail, Toronto
Fort Frances Times, Toronto
L’Actualité, Canada
News 1130 (Vancouver)
Winnipeg Free Press
Chicago Daily, USA
The Daily Maverick, USA
The State, USA
Estado de São Paulo, Brazil
Hindustan Times, India
Asian News International, India
Economic Times, Sydney
Sciblogs (blog) (blog)
Intellectual Property Watch (blog)
Crikey (blog)
EmpowHer (blog)