Boy killed by drone three days after attending Pakistani conference on drones.
A letter has been sent to the US ambassador about the killing of a 12 and 16-year-old.
Surveillance State
An explanation of the state of the art surveillance technology to governments around the world.
How governments can monitor a whole nation’s telephone and data traffic.
How your mobile phone can become your enemy.
Hundreds of brochures released by WikiLeaks unveil the covert world of hi-tech spying.
Industry literature reveals tech capable of monitoring all emails, phone calls, locations and contacts.
Private companies are selling software that can hack into any mobile phone, computer or laptop.
Drone Warfare
The Bureau met the 16 year old at an anti-drone conference just days before he was killed.
Pratap Chatterjee joined Jemima Khan at a conference in Pakistan to discuss CIA drone strikes.
Following a Bureau investigation Blue Coat admits its technology used in Syria.
Activists claim Syrian government used US technology to monitor protestors.