Afghanistan: Reported US covert actions 2019

The timeline below contains information on all US air attacks on Afghanistan recorded by the Bureau in 2019. It is updated with the latest US air attacks. We also log Afghan Air Force attacks when they are reported. The Bureau collects information on the US and Afghan strikes and the people they kill from local and international media reports – including the Bureau’s own field investigations – as well as academics and NGOs that cite US, Afghan and Pakistani civil, military and intelligence officials, and witnesses and local people in the affected areas.

Please note that our data changes according to our current understanding of particular strikes. The information below represents our present best estimate.


US aircraft have been bombing Afghanistan since late 2001 and the airstrikes have continued into the Trump administration. Up until December 2014 the US was operating in concert with its allies in the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force. Now it is just the US, and the Afghans, flying strike missions in the country.

The Bureau began tracking the strikes from January 1 2015 onwards, when the US and Nato’s combat mission in Afghanistan came to an end. The Afghan military and police took the lead in fighting the Taliban with the US and its international partners moving into a non-combat “train, advise, assist” role, supporting local forces.

US air forces are still flying combat missions however. There are three targeting authorities that govern the kind of strikes the US can conduct in Afghanistan.

Force protection strikes are intended to protect friendly ground forces who are under attack, or are about to be attacked. From January 1 2015 the US was supposed to stop deliberately going after the Taliban, leaving that to the Afghans. But in June 2016, with the Taliban pushing the Afghan forces to breaking point, the US went on the offensive against the Taliban, under “strategic effect” strikes.

The third authority governs the US’s counter-terrorism strikes, part of its offensive operations against al Qaeda and, since January 2016, Afghanistan’s Islamic State offshoot.

Full data

The Bureau publishes a narrative timeline of US strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen each year. Links for all other timelines can be found here.

We also publish spreadsheets detailing casualty numbers in each country. You can download the entire Afghanistan sheet here.

Reported US strikes, Afghanistan 2019
Strikes recorded by the Bureau
Total reported strikes 7167
Total reported killed 84-4479
Civilian reported killed 46-363
Children reported killed 13-53
Total reported injured 47-846
US Air Force reported air operations, Afghanistan 2019
Total Close Air Support (CAS) sorties with at least one weapon release 2434
Total CAS sorties 8773
Total weapons released 7423

Strikes Page 5

AFG3738 link

30 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes hit Kunduz province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3737 link

30 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes hit Kapisa province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3736 link

30 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Four strikes hit Kandahar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3735 link

30 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3734 link

29 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Seven strikes hit Uruzgan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3733 link

29 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Parwan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3732 link

29 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes hit Paktia province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3731 link

29 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Five strikes hit Nangarhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3730 link

29 November 2019

  • 0-6 civilians reported killed

A US drone strike killed five civilians in Khost province, the New York Times reported.

A woman killed had just given birth in southeast Afghanistan - her three relatives and driver were also killed, according to Afghan officials and family members.

The strike was either late Friday or early Saturday, relatives told NYT.

One strike hit Khost province on November 29, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

The 25-year-old, Malana, had just given birth to her second child at home - when her health started to deteriorate, relatives rushed her to the hospital. It was on their way back that their vehicle was hit by the strike.

A relative told NYT that the newborn baby was not in the car and was safe at home.

The United States military command in Afghanistan confirmed a strike in Khost, saying that three Taliban fighters had been killed. But the military said the strike occurred on Thursday, Nov. 28, NYT reported.

“We are aware of the allegations of civilian casualties and working with local authorities to determine the veracity of these claims,” Col. Sonny Leggett, a military spokesman, said.

Tolo News reported that six members of a family were killed in a drone strike in Khost on this day - it is unclear whether they were referring to the same incident.

Members of the Khost provincial council reportedly said that the strike targeted a civilian home in Alisher district.

A spokesman for US forces in Afghanistan confirmed an airstrike in Khost in Terazai district that “targeted three Taliban fighters.” The spokesman added “we are aware of the allegations of civilian casualties” and said they are “working with local authorities to determine the veracity of these claims. “
Meanwhile, former President Hamid Karzai in a tweet condemned the strike.
“The latest US drone attack in Khost, which killed six members of a family, was atrocious and highly condemnable. This is clear and blatant violence against the Afghan people. I once again call on all sides to focus entirely on the peace process,” Karzai tweeted.

The Kabul offices of the US forces recognised the strike, Pajhwok news reported - though again not confirming whether US or Afghan forces conducted it, saying that three Taliban fighters were killed.

Haidar Jan Naeemzai, a Kuchi representative in Wolesi Jirga named the five civilian victims for Pajhwok as: Malalai, daughter of Noorajan, Malano, daughter of Gulchi, Noor Bibi, daughter of Khatol, Noor Jan, son of Mangoee, and driver Mullah Nabi, son of Eid Gul.

Jan Mir Zazai, a member of the provincial council, verified four members of a family were killed in the tragic incident. He added the dead included three women and a man, as well as the driver, with possible links to the Taliban.

They were on their way back from the al Madina private clinic, according to Pajhwok's account.

Aminullah, in charge of the clinic, told Pajhwok that a pregnant woman was brought in by her father-in-law at 9:45pm. Her sister, a nine year old and their driver was also there. They were discharged around 11:30pm local time.

Gul Marjan, Kochi council head, confirmed that three women, two men and the baby were killed when heading home from a local hospital.

“We are aware of the allegations of civilian casualties and working with local authorities to determine the veracity of these claims,” the US military in Afghanistan said in a statement.

A local lawmaker from Khost, Janmir Zazai, told The Washington Post the airstrike hit a vehicle, but he was unaware of the number of people killed.

We will contact Resolute Support for their assessment of civilian harm in this incident.

AFG3729 link

29 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Six strikes hit Kandahar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3728 link

29 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Four strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3727 link

29 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes hit Ghazni province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3726 link

29 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes hit Farah province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3725 link

28 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes hit Uruzgan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3724 link

28 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Paktika province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3723 link

28 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Nangarhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3722 link

28 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes hit Kandahar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3721 link

28 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Five strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3720 link

28 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes hit Ghazni province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3719 link

28 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Farah province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3718 link

28 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Daykundi province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3717Ci link

28 November 2019

  • 1 reported killed

A local Taliban leader was killed in a NATO-led coalition drone strike in Kapisa province, Xinhua reported.

Shayeq Shurash, a provincial police spokesman told Xinhua that the strike took place around 7pm, targeting a Taliban hideout in the Alasay district of Kapisa.

Qari Nazar Mohammed was left dead in the strike.

Xinhua are likely referring to the US' role in the NATO coalition, in which they are the only known country to be flying armed drones.

US Forces - Afghanistan did not record any strikes in Kapisa on this day in their monthly release of strike data.

AFG3717C link

28 November 2019

  • 3 reported killed

Three Taliban fighters were killed in an airstrike in Takhar province, the New York Times reported - though it was not clear whether US or Afghan forces were responsible.

A Taliban attack had killed eight soldiers and wounded 13 others in the centre of Darqud district.

The Taliban had reportedly blocked the road for reinforcements amid the three hours of fighting, before ground forces received air support.

US Forces - Afghanistan did not record any strikes in Takhar province on this day in their monthly release of strike data.

AFG3717 link

27 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes hit Wardak province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3716 link

27 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Uruzgan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3715 link

27 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Parwan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3714 link

27 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes hit Paktia province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3713 link

27 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Nangarhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3712 link

27 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Two strikes hit Laghman province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3711 link

27 November 2019

  • 0-5 reported killed
  • 0-3 reported injured

Seven strikes hit Kandahar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

There had been previous reports of strikes in Kandahar on this day.

An airstrike in Kandahar province killed one Taliban fighter, Khaama Press reported - though it was not clear whether US or Afghan forces were responsible.

Military officials reportedly said that the strike was carried out in Maiwand district.

The Ministry of Defence, however, said that five Taliban fighters were killed and three injured.

Khaama Press did not explicitly give a date for this strike, but reported on it the day of the confirmed US strike.

AFG3710 link

27 November 2019

  • 0-8 reported killed

Four strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

There had been previous reports of strikes in Helmand on this day. An airstrike in Helmand province killed between two and eight Taliban fighters, Khaama Press reported - though it was not clear whether US or Afghan forces were responsible.

Military officials reportedly said that the strike in Marjah district killed two fighters, though the Ministry of Defence reportedly said that the the strike killed eight.

A motorcycle, some weapons and munitions were also reportedly destroyed.

Khaama Press did not explicitly give a date for this strike, so we have recorded it as the date that it was reported on.

AFG3709 link

27 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Badghis province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3708 link

26 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Parwan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3707 link

26 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Eight strikes hit Nangarhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3706 link

26 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Logar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3705 link

26 November 2019

  • 0-8 reported killed

Three strikes hit Laghman province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

There had been previous reports of strikes in Laghman on this day.

Eight Taliban fighters were killed in an airstrike in Laghman province, Khaama Press reported - though it was not clear whether US or Afghan forces were responsible.

Military officials reportedly said that security forces carried out the strike in the Alingar district over the past 24 hours. It is therefore not clear whether the strike was on November 26 or 25.

While responsibility was placed with the security forces, we cannot rule out US involvement as the security forces often call in US air support.

US Forces - Afghanistan recorded strikes in Laghman on both of these days in their monthly release of strike data.

Without further locational information from US Forces - Afghanistan, we cannot be sure that Khaama Press are referring to a confirmed US strike.

AFG3704 link

26 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Four strikes hit Kandahar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3703 link

26 November 2019

  • 0-7 reported killed

Six strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

There had been previous reports of strikes in Helmand on this day. Three airstrikes in southern Helmand province killed seven Taliban fighters, Khaama Press reported - though it was not clear whether US or Afghan forces were responsible.

Military officials reportedly said that the security forces carried out the strikes in the Marjah and Lashkar Gah districts and Nawah-Ye Barekzai districts over the past 24 hours. It is therefore not clear whether the strike was on November 26 or 25.

While responsibility was placed with the security forces, we cannot rule out US involvement as the security forces often call in US air support.

US Forces - Afghanistan recorded strikes in Helmand on both of these days in their monthly release of strike data.

Without further locational information from US Forces - Afghanistan, we cannot be sure that Khaama Press were referring to a confirmed US strike.

AFG3702 link

26 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Badghis province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3701 link

25 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Uruzgan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3700 link

25 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Parwan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3699 link

25 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Nangarhar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3698 link

25 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Logar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3697 link

25 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes hit Laghman province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3696 link

25 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Three strikes hit Kandahar province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3695 link

25 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Thirteen strikes hit Helmand province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3694 link

25 November 2019

  • 0-1 reported killed

Three strikes hit Ghazni province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

There had been previous reports of strikes in Ghazni around this time.

One Taliban fighter was killed in an airstrike in Ghazni province, Khaama Press reported - though it was not clear whether US or Afghan forces were responsible.

The security forces carried out the strike in the Deh Yak district over the past 24 hours, military officials reportedly said. We therefore cannot be sure whether the strike was on November 26 or 25.

While responsibility was placed with the security forces, we cannot rule out US involvement as the security forces often call in US air support.

US Forces - Afghanistan only recorded strikes in Ghazni on November 25 in their monthly release of strike data.

Without further locational information from US Forces - Afghanistan, we cannot be sure that Khaama Press are referring to a confirmed US strike.

AFG3693 link

24 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Wardak province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3692 link

24 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

One strike hit Uruzgan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.

AFG3691 link

24 November 2019

  • Unknown casualties

Four strikes hit Parwan province on this day, according to data from US Forces - Afghanistan.

No further details were given. To see more about the release of this data, click here.
