
Ethiopia report gains international attention


The Bureau’s report on human rights abuses and aid in Ethiopia was covered by national and international media.

Following the airing of the joint Bureau/BBC documentary on BBC Newsnight on August 4, the Ethiopian government and DfID issued statements.

In an interview after the broadcast Deputy Ethiopian Ambassador to the UK, Abdirashid Dulane, agreed to allow the UN’s Special Rapporteur on torture into Ethiopian prisons.

The story was covered exclusively by the Telegraph on August 5 and had further pick up in the Guardian and Daily Mail.

In Ethiopia the story was covered by Nazret, Jimma Times, Somaliland Press and the EthioGuardian.

The following day the Bureau’s lead reporter, Angus Stickler discussed the investigation on BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme and Five Live. The story was also broadcast on BBC World Service.

The Bureau received many calls and emails from Diaspora members across the world and coverage has continued with staff giving interviews for Deutsche Welle and other media outlets.